Am here at the moment...a place called Damai Puri Resort and Spa...for our annual Division Conference. Its beautiful! And newly refurbished! Wish Abah and the girls are here...they would enjoy the beach and the swimming pools!
For Mumsie, the trip didn't start too good. I had to present a paper on ASEAN Charter this morning so had spent the first 24 hours here preparing for it! Tension betul! and you know what..they spend so much time questioning the first 2 speakers that i was left only 7 minutes to speak!! To a certain extent i feel lucky coz by then no one had any questions for me but then alll that tension for what laaa...rugi jer! tak per..think i know about ASEAN Charter and the Economic Blueprint! I so clever!
So, petang tadi Mumsie start enjoy...pergi Bali massage at their spa!!! Alahai syok the very relaxing! and i've appointment for tomorrow for a 'natural facial treatment'! Can't wait to see what they'll do to me face then!
Must tell you that agaknya we are the first group yang buat conference at this place since its refurbishment coz they are going all out for us. there was a huge kain rentang welcoming us at the airport, then kompang greeted us at the hotel! Even the tea breaks are fancy with themes! Pagi was chinese and petang tadi was indian. Even the corridor where we have the break was decorated according to the themes! Very fancy tapi tadi my camera da habis bateri so cannot show how fancy laa...will see tomorrow, ok!
So, here's us when we first arrive...disambut kompang macam pengantin!
mumsie sampai bila?
MakTeh, You're in Kuching? dekatlah, tapi kat hati je kot. 8hrs from Miri by kete.
Muzal, so jeles...that's my friend, Noza, in the photo with you...Ja
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