Anyhoo...i must say, semalam was the first time i really feel glad that we're back in Malaysia..i had the best birthday ever! Mainly, because we had a celebratory lunch that i don't have to cook myself! and cut a cake that i didn't have to bake myself!
We started the morning with our usual hang out place in Sri Serdang...nothing great...then Mumsie and girlies went off to have our hair washed...and soraya had a hair cut ala Victoia Beckham gitew!
Lunch was at Italiannies in Sunway Pyramid! Best giler OK! MakSU joined us with her "friend" who I'm not supposed to talk about in this blog..yet! Am not even supposed to post pictures of them..yet! But here's our food...the cake came first!

Then shopping kat Marks and Spencer...beli b*ra coz my favourite cotton lace bra I bought kat M&S back when I was still a student in UK finally gave up on me last week. It finally koyak beyond repair! Oooppsss...Too much information?? hehe...Don't worry..I won't post the pictures! Not that I took any, mind you!
Malam tadi the girls and MakSU did a little surprise knowlah, lights out then call Mummy downstairs then lampu back on and the girls screaming "Happy Birthday Mummy!!!". And Mumsie must show (fake) Mumsie's best suprised face! This is something they do for me every year...And I hope they will continue to do for many more of Mumsie's birthdays...

By the's Abah's present...tiny little diamonds but enough for me...i so sayang him! hehe....