We bertolak early2 (by Mumsie's standard!) Saturday morning. Singgah Burger King kat Sungai Buloh R&R for breakfast before heading straight to CH. Perrrggghhh...jauh rupanya CH ni! We arrived almost 5 hours after we left Putrajaya!!
After checking in (sesat a bit before that coz of missing signboards!). Then off to find food at a pasar malam close by. That was fun! We went ga-ga over the fresh vege...and bought loads of fried food...fried mushroom..fried shrimps...fried sotong...more fried mushroom...and of course, strawberries! Including those dipped in chocolate sauce. And we ate everything whilst walking around!

Pas tu we decided its still early so we went off looking for this Teh Boh shop that sells tea and scone. That was gooodddd...sipping masala tea (that started off great but became too masala-ish as it gets cooler...) and ate scones with cream and jam by the tea trees...nice.....

Balik..penat so terus tidur! hahaha....ok...ok...i'm sure maksu wants me to tell what really happened...Balik the banglo, Abah and Mumsie went straight to bed whilst Maksu and Wan had to layan the kids, including making them dinner coz they became hungry again before going to bed!! hahahahaha....oopsss, ok, not funny!
Esoknya ...we lepak2 and left for home by about 11 am. Singgah beli t-shirts for everyone then singgah another Boh shop for another round of teh (this time we stick to good old teh tarik!) and scones. Then singgah Lata Iskandar..wajib for the girls...its a waterfall, by the way! Wajib because we promised the girls and wajib coz adik muntah all over me minutes before we reached that place! eewwwww!!
Then singgah Tapah for lunch and terus balik Putrajaya...phew!! I leave this posting with gambar Kak Long and Mak Su enjoying scones and homemade choc cake on our way home...