Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Mumsie was reading Madam desert rose's blog - www.lifeisbydesertrose.blogspot.com - and she opened my mind to the this whole concept of Qurban. It is indeed beyond those who goes for Hajj...beyond those who partakes in the sembelihan and agihan of lembu, kambing and unta...

Qurban is for everyone...at all times...dengan ganjaran yang dijanjikan ALLAH swt...mungkin sebab itu some finds it hard untuk berqurban.

Mumsie is actually simply thinking of my life situation. how I must "qurban" anak2 and suami demi kerja by going far away from them for a long period of time...and how anak2 and suami must berqurban by being independent to support Mumsie's qurban...insyaALLAH...

dan qurban kami is simply through sabar...

1 comment:

Nin said...

Yup... qurban involves a lot of giving without expecting anything in return. =)