But Ramadhan in Malaysia ... good, of course. Berpuasa di samping sanak saudara... and Mumsie did not have to cook alll the time. Penting tu..here's a list of ways we berbuka this time (in no particular order):
1. Mumsie masak some lauk, Abah top up with lauk and kueh from Pasar Ramadhan
2. Mumsie masak nasi jer, Abah buy loads of lauk from Pasar Ramadhan.
3. Mumsie tak masak apa-apa, Abah beli nasi kerabu/nasi beryani/nasi tomato/nasi lemak/ kuetiaw goreng/mee sup and loads of kueh from Pasar Ramadhan.
4. Abah gi kedai dekat-dekat rumah, tempah food and come home to fetch the rest of us. We will go back to the shop in time for buka. Makan and quickly balik rumah for prayers. This is Mumsie's favourite way of buka coz I don't have to kemas and basuh any pinggan mangkuk! We did this about 3 times. Anak-anak pun suka coz they get to order the food they want to eat...e.g nasi goreng ikan masin laaa...ikan sweet sour laaa...all freshly cooked! Not like the lauk from the Pasar Ramadhan. Once gi Secret Recipe, tapi food tak best and service was bad so we never went back...
5. Go for buffet buka puasa..once kat Penang Village tu and once kat Ancasa Hotel, Mak De belanja. Must say that I really enjoyed the one at Ancasa, not merely because Mak De belanja but also tempat tu very nice. Food was VERY good (we get fresh apam balik which was da bomb! teringak lak zaman buat apam balik sendiri dulu....) and tak ramai sangat orang. So tak de lah berebut2. Company was of course laaaaa VERY gooodddd... here's some pixes:
6. Balik kampung...one weekend tu we went back to Melaka, where Mumsie did absolute bugger all in terms of preparing food. Mumsie biar jer all the in-laws masak. They are good cooks anyway! Mumsie took the job of going to the Pasar Ramadhan to buy drinks and kueh-mueh. The badak berendam kat Pasar Ramadhan Duyung was out of this world punya sedap!!
Other weekends, Mak Su will join us kat Putrajaya. Dialah yang melayan budak-budak gi Alamanda before buka...beli Starbucks frapuccino laaa...Baskin Robbins laaa...yum yum!
7. For sahur 90% of the time Mumsie will bangun and cook. The rest I would just panaskan lauk lebih from buka time and once we went to McDonalds! Best jugak tu. Ingatkan tak ramai orang at 4 a.m tu tapi rupanya ramai yang beratur dah! and then ingatkan we all jer bawak bebudak at that godforsaken time tapi ramai families bersahur kat situ! Tu lah ..orang Mesia dah senang sekarang ni...
So, all in all, Mumsie had a good Ramadhan. I even managed to ikut Abah for terawih kat Masjid Putrajaya for at least half of Ramadhan. Good, eh?
Oklah...next time i citer pasal raya plak!
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