Sunday, February 3, 2008

Old Friends...

I met a bunch of them last night. Friends I've known like forever!! hehe...23-24 years to be exact! Haida (my BFF since Uni days and the woman responsible for my union with Abah!) and Monag (apparently I'm responsible for Haida's meeting with him coz he was my friend first! OK..whatever..) just came back from Hajj recently and called some friends over for dinner. The invitation was for friends plus spouse but I managed to get Haida to extend the invitation to my girls! hehe..sajer jer nak show off my girls to people!

You know..when I was in Geneva, the thing I miss most other than Malaysian food was my friends...we may not see each other all the time but at least in Malaysia, we can do so at regular intervals...Raya open houses or at dinners like last night.

It was simply great to see everybody again...and I daresay we've all aged gracefully...kehkehkeh..I took pictures with Haida and Shila a.k.a Superwomanwannabe but I don't look nice in them so I've decided against posting them here!! Next time la ek..bila Mumsie pakai lipstick when I take pictures...

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