Despite my regular complaints and bi*chin about the bosses, i actually love my job...the substance of gives me great satisfaction when i do it right (right di mata siapa is another story for another day laaaa).
but...with the deadlines and meetings and the travellings...sometimes anak-anak has to take a back seat... hefty sum to pay, i know. Although i try hard to pick them up from school every chance i get...spend any free time in the day with them, its not enough. those times are often spent in rush mode...buat apa yang wajib...cakap apa yang perlu..."dah buat homework?"..."dah mandi?"..."dah gosok gigi?"...
So, from time to time i find myself taking a step backwards...actually look at the girls...actually have conversations with them...about school..about best friends...about our favourite episode of Friends...
today i discovered kak long and kak ngah has been appointed Pengawas Pusat Sumber (kak long proudly told me that she actually lobbied for the appointment...tunjuk rajin depan cikgu and outrightly asked the teacher to consider her when she heard teacher was looking to appoint students!! shameless, i tell you! hehe). They are not school prefects but they get to wear uniform much like the prefects. So, it means buying new uniforms allllll over again but bila pikir pasal kak long's lobbying and that it would help their CV...oklah!
Kak Ngah also got a nomination to join a students exchange programme. Kalau terpilih, she gets to spend 3 weeks in japan in july!!! Mumsie filled up the necessary forms for her tapi hati ni tak sure whether i can let her go...she's soooo tiny and japan is soooooo far!!!
Sarah is also doing well...she seems happy in school but somehow selalu tertinggal homework Bahasa Arab kat sekolah! i have a feeling its ter-sengaja tinggal!
Soraya...i really have no idea what she does with her days!!! But i do know she reads A LOT! of just about anything she can lay her hands on...just as well i don't send her to any of those cekik darah kindies!! grandma is doing a good job in "educating" her via snake and ladder and Harian Metro! we tell people we are home schooling her! can??
I have good girls...despite their unruliness and messiness and no sense of disciplines...i'm blessed and ever so proud of them...they are good long as we feed them well!! hehehe