Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ayat-Ayat Cinta...
So, when they turn the book into a movie and its showing in Alamanda, naturally I would want to see it, right! and i did. Just now. and no...abah did not watch it with me! Me and Jue went for Ayat-ayat Cinta, while Abah and Khairul, Jue's boyfriend went to see Incredible Hulk! All's fair in love and movie preference, is all i can say!
Now, about the movie...macam ok-ok jer although the last 1 hour was good! an exaggeration of the book itself but powerful! Wished the hero was handsomer and macho-er. The guy was potrayed like a real kampung boy! Kinda make you wonder why the girls (about 4 of them) were falling all over themselves over him!
Shall i tell you about the end? In the book, the end was about his second wife. She's a Christian who fell in love with him. She learned and knew all about Islam, most probably because of him but they didn't outrightly say so must be politically correct jugak kan...Anyways, she was dying of broken heart coz hero married someone else but she also turned out to be key witness in the case of hero was charged for raping a woman (another angle to the book..lets not go there). So, to save her and himself, hero converted her and married her. She saved him from death sentence and eventually she died but not before having this dream of trying to get into syurga tapi tak boleh. The doors wouldn't open for her. So, hero and first wife get her to pray with them and mengucap and finally the last door opened and she dies peacefully.....
Dalam movie..pretty much the same tapi they also showed that the three of them shared good and bad times before the second wife hits the dust. First wife was having a hard time to accept the second one although she's the one yang insist the hero marry the second one tu. hero pulak terlebih suka kat the second wife sampai lupa nak berlaku adil. But all things being Islamic, they worked things out and managed to share good times. The part the second wife meninggal tu simple jer...she asked for forgiveness and minat nak sembahyang together...then she died whilst mention of the dream...tapi sedih gak laaa...
Mumsie tetap nangis.....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I so need to Diet
Mumsie's been trying to go on a diet. I need to lose some weight..nothing fits anymore! On good days, i succeed but more often than not, I succumb to the calling of carbs and fried food!! how laaaaa?
Reminds me of a conversation I had with the girls after i met a lady who used to go to school with me wayyyyyyy back in 1970s.
Girls: Sapa tu Mummy?
Mumsie: believe it or not, that lady and I used to go to sekolah rendah together!
Girls (not sure which one): and she still can recognize you?
Mumsie: yeap! goes to show I haven't changed much!
Kak Ngah: you were fat then as well??????
end of, can you see the dilemma i'm in? i so need to diet...i so need to diet...i so need to diet............
Story for Auntie di Geneva
All the girls said ...yeeeaaaaahhhhhh...ho hum!
Mumsie asked Soraya : Adik ingat ker sapa Abang Amir tu?
Soraya : Ingat laaaa...anak Ustazah and Atok Berahim!!
Her exact words tau! You see Auntie...i hope you're reading this coz it means to tell you that you, Atuk and Abg Amir are very much remembered by us here...
You don't miss us meh??
Monday, June 16, 2008
More pixes at PRTM

Post Mortem...
Quote of the Day
"We do not want the officers to be an artifact in their own museum."

Sorrylah lambat sehari but....Happy fathers day...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
P Ramlee The Musical
Anyways, the show....where do i start?? Tersangat-sangat menghiburkan! Make me want to jump on stage and join the dance! Make me want to know P.Ramlee!! Musly Ramlee was so real! I love the way he sang and dance. Sebijik macam P.Ramlee! Everyone said Musly did great in the show but I wonder...will he only be great as P.Ramlee?
The set...i was totally gobsmacked impressed!! The train...the double decker so impressed! After the show, we hung around and saw Datin Seri Tiara and her husband so, we joined the line to congratulate them. Must say, the Datuk Seri very the charming! very the soft spoken one!
But after watching PRTM, i'm now curious about this man. This so-called Malay genius of all time. perhaps i'll start watching his movies now...i certainly want to watch Penarik Beca!